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Constantinos Saittis

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       Hello, my name is Constantinos Saittis, and I am the owner of leftlow. I was born and raised in a condense, peaceful little town known as Whitestone, located in Queens, NY. I value the small things in life like loyalty, trust, and hard work. In this town, it is filled with people who are truly unique, usually kind, and stick close to home with their friends and family. My goal is to share my creative aspirations with my community, and maybe to the world, one day. I want to create photos that will stay up on client's walls for lifetimes upon generations. I want to help small business owners display their craft, and advertise their services or products. 

       My goal for leftlow is to build a community here with clientele and fellow artists by sharing our crafts and  passion. Most importantly, share our experiences and pass our knowledge on to the next ones.


- C.S.

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